Sell or trade your Coin operated machine
One of the advantages of being located in the north of Belgium is having an easy access to Germany, France and the Netherlands.
Both Germany and France have a great coin-operated machine history and produced a lot of different games in the first half of the 20th century.
Collecting is all about passion. And I was lucky enough to meet some very passionate and knowledgeable collectors from my neighbour countries. Here are some references I would like to share with you.

Jelle Zijlmans
Automatenkabinet Weesp / The Netherlands
Thanks to Werner we were able to add some unique piecies to our “Automatenkabinett” collection in the last 15 years. I’ve been a lifelong collector and only buy very unique pieces which I have not owned yet. Thanks to Werners network and resources we regularly get intel about some suprises hitting the market.
We’ve been hunting for machines in Germany, France, Denmark and the U.S. and visited the most beautiful collections during our journey. Together we’ve also made a great inventory of collections which makes it easy to pursue trades from a distance.
Next to being a great friend, Werner is also a supplier and big fan of our “Automatenkabinet”. He also sends his contacts to visit our collection eventough we’re not open for public visits.
I can only recommend Werner and his services! Good luck!
Deutsches Automatenmuseum
Espelkamp/ Deutschland
Werner Paredis' abundance of experience, which has grown over many years, and his high level of competence make him a valuable partner for the Deutsches Automatenmuseum.
We would like to thank Werner for the very pleasant cooperation, the constant exchange of knowledge and the professional communication and we look forward to future projects on the history of European coin-op machines.